Once upon a time, in a land of imagination, there lived a little dog created for the enchanting children’s textile collection by The Smithes. This curious pup found its way into the heart of Phillip Amar, the brand’s owner, so deeply that it sparked a magical tale. He first spun this story for his children, and soon it became a wonderful adventure for everyone to enjoy. But as we all know, for a story to truly come to life, it takes two storytellers — a writer and an artist.
In this adventure, Volodymyr Kasianenko joined as the second pilot. He skillfully brought this whimsical world to life with his brush, creating illustrations that danced off the pages in a classic watercolor style. His colors and textures were chosen not only to shape the characters but to capture the spirit of each moment. The warm hues conjured the heat of an Asian day, the cool tones whispered of chilly nights, powdery shades painted soft sunsets, and a riot of colors depicted the lively market streets of an ancient city.
During the creation of this book, I was involved in the project as a project manager, overseeing the artist's work and facilitating the connection between the story and the visual part.
Story, Idea: Phillippe Amar
Illustrations: Volodymyr Kasianenko
Publish design: The Smithes
Project management: Olga Pylaieva
Photos: Olga Pylaieva and Volodymyr Kasianenko